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3-Month Group
Coaching Program
Proven Strategies!
Proven Results!

Develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your behavior, and your impact on others so you can build genuine and meaningful connections, stronger relationships, and get solid results both professionally and personally.

Monise McCabe

Monise McCabe

Relocation Director

Chase International

"After Alexanne spoke to our Leadership Team, I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about how to understand myself and others and how to relate and see the world around me in a healthy way. I enrolled in Alexanne's Confidence Champions Coaching program and it truly has been transformative. I now have the tools to deal with the programming of my past and now I know how to change the trajectory of my future. I am forever grateful to have met and worked with Alexanne."




This program's foundation is built on several modalities, including, but not limited to:

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

Body Language Training


Life Experience

and Your Greatness!


You'll be amazed week after week at how much you transform your confidence, communication, and even your sales.









Connect with Alexanne to find out

how you can get the most growth from this program. 


Lona DeRieux

Wellness Advocate

and Energy Worker

Alexanne is full of life-changing information. I really enjoyed every training. She put her heart and soul into the training and really helped our group learn by practicing new skills.


The group of ladies I worked with were vulnerable, supporting, and had great thoughts to share.

Where do you get the Confidence?

Experts say, “The person with the most tools influences the conversation.” Not manipulates, not controls, but guides and influences.


How do you get the tools? do you get the confidence and courage to use them?


Through the proven confidence-building strategies of this coaching program, you walk away stronger, more powerful, and more confident in your professional life. Even to the point where you can now speak on stage!


The biggest surprise is how empowered you become in all situations - including your personal life!

12 Group Coaching Calls

Four calls per month via Zoom. Discover how to "look and listen underneath" what someone is saying to you and understand the impact of your words on them. Get your questions answered and receive laser coaching and support from Alexanne on challenges you are facing and actions to take that will overlap in both your professional and your personal life. You'll also receive feedback and support from the group.


In Sales? Here is where you'll really start to shine! You learn the Language of Sales - why you say what you do. How you say what you should. And when to speak and when to stop. You'll discover the structure of language. But who cares, right? Once you've got the structure, you understand how to create masterful conversations and closes. So what, you say? You think fast on your feet and know how to sell in your own style using your own words rather than having to memorize someone else's closes. 


You are gonna LOVE "Listening Underneath" both verbal and non-verbal body language. You are gonna LOVE your own personal transformation and the influence you have over the transformation of others in all of life's situations. Get affects your personal life as well as your professional life!

8 Training Modules

Enjoy the excitement of discovering language - both verbal and non-verbal. Recognize what you're seeing when you're interacting with others. Guiding you to mastery, you'll have the ability to integrate and practice what you're learning through videos, workbooks, templates and scripts.


The more tools you have in your toolbox...the greater your ability to influence any conversation!

Private Facebook Group

Celebrate your wins! Get input from Alexanne! Be inspired through this private group of managers, team leaders, entrepreneurs, and senior executives...all committed to mastering their Leap Into Leadership.

Scripts & Templates

Energy Balancing

NLP and The Effects of Your Language Choices

Body Language - The Unseen Language of Leadership

Mindfulness and Mindset

True/False/Don't Know - The Skill of Transforming Your MindTalk

Non-Violent Communication

And Many More...


Bonus #1:  One 3-Hour TimeLine Design Session (Value = $500)

Bonus #2:  Complimentary Tickets to Alexanne's Live and Zoom Events for Six Months (Value = $2,500)

Bonus #3: Three 1-Hour Private Coaching Calls with Alexanne (Value = $1,000)

Bonus #4: Membership in my private "Influential Leadership" Community. It's a safe place to receive support from other members in the program and give support as well. You can find someone to practice the action steps with, experience community, practice accountability, celebrate together, and network with one another. (Value = Priceless)

Total Value of Bonuses:  $4,000


How Did This Start?

I have always been a "self-help junkie." Even in my early years, I dove into all kinds of modalities...always searching for the "why" underneath people's actions. I believed that if I understood what someone was thinking, I could help them through whatever they might be going through. I've have that belief since five years old!


Here's what happened though. I would read book after book that told me how I "should" think, how I "could" be. And I found myself taking a pen and writing in the margin, "YES...BUT HOW?"


My search included different religions, hypnosis, psychology, astrology, the Enneagram, the Tarot and more. Always searching for the depth of who I was and the understanding I longed for in other people.


When I found Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) in 1991, I found the answer to "YES...BUT HOW?" I embarked on what has now been a 30-year journey into "self" and "others" and have loved the discoveries along the way (although some were not always the most pleasant). 


With the tools provided through NLP, I made the changes that set me on a new path. I became a Trainer and have never looked back. Over these 30 years, I've continued to study, implement, and live life-changing tools and techniques. I discovered the power of language - both verbal and non-verbal and dove into the deep end of the language pool.


What it's given me is the ability to be confident, empowered, strong, responsible, truthful, kind, and loving. It's opened the door to a level of deep communication that I never realized was possible. I eliminated so many fears - fear of flying, fear of spiders, fear of heights, and even fear of speaking on stage.


I'm offering the beginning path to this for yourself and more. In this coaching program, you work directly with me and I am yours for the entirety of the program. My fulfillment comes from YOU! You are stronger, more confident, empowered, and empowering. YOU are able to speak your truth without fear. YOU know how to handle difficult people and situations. And YOU have the answers to, "YES...BUT HOW!"


Corrine Casanova
The Content Queen

I would say you need to meet this Alexanne. She is amazing! You will make your communication count!


Cierra Mora
EXP Realty

I loved everything about working with Alexanne. From being able to learn new skills to help our clients and also to be able to help ourselves. I'm excited to use everything I've learned with my clients.


Johnno Lazetich
Reno/Carson Messenger Service

These are tools that you can apply to the real world - family, work. It's a power tool that you wish the entire world had so they can communicate better with each other.

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